Submit an obituary

LkldNow publishes obituaries of current and former Lakeland resident for free as a public service. We believe this is an important part of our mission to foster community connection while giving people a way to honor their loved one. You can use the form on this page to submit an obituary.

Please note that several Lakeland funeral homes already provide obituaries to LkldNow, so it is not necessary for individuals to submit an obituary if arrangements are being handled by:

LkldNow reserves, at our sole discretion, the right to choose whether to publish a submitted obituary.

Who is submitting the obituary?

Your name(Required)
In case we have questions for you

The obituary

First name, last name, age | Example: John Smith, 99
If the obituary is more than a few sentences, please use multiple paragraphs.
Photos focusing on the face and shoulders are preferred.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, Max. file size: 10 MB.

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LkldNow provides freely accessible, quality local journalism for Lakeland and is funded by community members and readers like you.

Please consider supporting our work. Thank you.


Your contribution is appreciated.