Glenn Allan Stuart passed away on April 13, 2024. Glenn was born in Chicago to Beulah and Harry Stuart on December 28, 1933.

He was the youngest of three boys. He graduated from Loyola University in Chicago, then went into the Navy for four years where he served on the aircraft carrier USS Bennington. Back in Chicago, he worked with Junior Achievement where he met his future wife, Ruth. He moved to Lakeland in 1978 bringing his mother and his disabled brother.

He worked for the U.S. Postal Service as a rural mail carrier until an accident while on the job on May 10, 1997, forced his retirement. Ruth moved to Florida in 1991, and after 40 years of courtship, they were married in 1999. He was preceded in death by his parents, both of his brothers and his wife. He is survived by 4 nieces, Linda (Wyman) Donaldson, Susan (Darryl) Giliam, Janis Mason, and Laura (Vernon) Piel and many 2nd generation nieces and nephews. He enjoyed going out to breakfast, drinking coffee, golfing, getting to know anybody and everybody.

Condolences may be sent to the family at Gentry Morrison Funeral Home.

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