• FREE COVID VACCINES will be available for Polk public school students ages 12+, employees and their families on Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at George Jenkins High School. | Learn more
  • LGBTQ activists gathered at state Sen. Kelli Stargel’s Lakeland office to protest her role in sponsoring a bill restricting transgender athletes’ participation in school sports. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill into the law on the first day of Pride Month.
  • LEGAL FEES: Kathleen residents have sued Polk County and a developer over approval of a subdivision, but only the county — not the developers — is footing the bill for the out-of-town law firm defending the suit. County commissioners expressed concern and have asked their staff to develop a policy that they’ll consider at a future meeting. (Subscribers-only story.)

Source: The Ledger

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Barry Friedman founded Lkldnow.com in 2015 as the culmination of a career in print and digital journalism. Since 1982, he has used the tools of reporting, editing and content curation to help people in Lakeland understand their community better.

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