• CARILLON LAKES residents are expected to turn out in large numbers at Tuesday’s City Commission meeting. They oppose a proposal to expand a planned development next to their community from 142 two-story townhouses to 300 apartments in three-story buildings.
  • THE PANDEMIC crippled many local businesses, but most have managed to stay open. Amid warnings of hard times in 2021, the owner of Red Door Lakeland says one lifeline would be support of locally owned businesses over chains.
  • PAULA DOCKERY led Polk’s conversion to the GOP when she was elected to the Florida Legislature in 1996, replacing a Democrat. But she switched to independent the day Donald Trump was inaugurated and then to Democrat to vote in last year’s primary. She says she’d still be a Republican if not for what she called the party’s angry tone, intolerance and denial of science.

Source: The Ledger

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Barry Friedman founded Lkldnow.com in 2015 as the culmination of a career in print and digital journalism. Since 1982, he has used the tools of reporting, editing and content curation to help people in Lakeland understand their community better.

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